My Northern Wisconsin

Covering Ashland, Iron, Lincoln, Oneida, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor, and Vilas Counties


Scroll down to "UPDATE - 5/23/22" for updated information on this story.


On May 20, 2022 around 11 p.m., a husband and wife noticed a bear outside their home just west of the City of Medford on Castle Road.  The bear was eating from a bird feeder.  The couple's children were asleep in their bedrooms at the time.

Wanting the bear to leave, the couple opened a window and yelled at the bear.  The bear immediately turned and charged at the house, breaking through the window.  The bear broke into the house and attacked the couple.

The couple fought with the bear.  As the bear attacked, the couple was able to stab it with a kitchen knife.  Eventually, the husband was able to get a firearm, and he shot the bear.  The bear died in the hallway of the home.

Photo Credit:  Taylor County Sheriff's Office

Both victims of the attack sustained numerous bites and injuries.  They were treated for their injuries and released to go home.  Their children remained in their bedrooms during the attack and were not physically injured.

The DNR took possession of the bear for testing.  The bear appeared to have a cub that was seen running off as the mother bear charged the house.

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UPDATE - 5/23/22

Area residents have asked for more information regarding the bear attacking the couple in Taylor County.

Regarding if the bear was provoked by the couple, Sheriff Woebbeking shared, "The bear was not provoked, and the homeowner never was outside.  [There was] nothing more than verbally saying something through the window for it to leave."

The mother bear first attacked the woman after entering the home through the open window.  The man tried to help her and had to wrestle with the bear.  When he got pinned under the bear, the woman  got a kitchen knife and stabbed the bear, which startled it, and the man was able to free himself.  The man then got a gun from their bedroom to shoot the bear in what was a life or death situation for the couple, who sustained bites and cuts from the bear's claws.  The couple's four children were in their bedrooms and not harmed.

As for the cub, it is believed the cub was born last year and is over one year old, so it should be able to survive on its own.  Black bear cubs usually stay with their mothers for up to about a year and a half, even though they can survive away from their mothers before they reach one year of age.

This was an abnormal attack.  If a bear is near your home or cabin, the DNR recommends to "wave your arms and make noise to scare it away; back away slowly and seek a safe location where you can wait for the bear to leave; when scaring a bear away, make sure it has a clear escape route (never corner a bear), if you encounter a bear while in the woods, stay calm and do not approach the bear; never approach a sow with cubs; and, for your safety, do not attempt to break up a fight between your pet and a bear."  The DNR also recommends removing bird feeders from your yard to avoid attracting bears.

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(This post was last modified: 05-23-2022, 08:20 PM by My Northern Wisconsin.)